Off Market inventory

Annoyed by big platforms to find the perfect aircraft ? Focus on the off market and contact us!

What's off market?

Aircraft not listed on all the usual platforms, few people only are aware about it. Usually each aircraft listed on platforms is off market for a while prior to be listed public, off market equal to exclusivity...

Who propose them?

Of course the owner informs the people around them first, so usually this information is shared to Trust & Jets by owners, PAs, their crew and also by mandated brokers.

Why off market?

To get it in exclusivity and avoid auction games.

Going fast?

Yes, after few days more and more people are aware and you may lose the exclusivity.

If you are ready to proceed at the right time, yes from LOI to delivery can be few days long only.

Please see below our current listing not exhaustive.

Please contact us to learn more about off market availability's through Trust & Jets team.

Falcon 6X // 2023 // $53m

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