Trust & Jets 
              Ease business jets world for the end users with safety and transparency.

About our Company

Trust & Jets was founded in 2022 by Johan THOUVENIN. 

After four years in commercial aviation and ten years in business aviation, working for well-known groups, Mister THOUVENIN decided to create his own company to support clients around the world in all their business aviation decisions...

Contact us

Whatsapp : +33 6 73 90 89 23

Email :

Address : 

Trust and Jets 
108, Rue Elisa Peyron 
01800 Meximieux 
FRANCE (Geneva/Lyon area)

SIRET: 91269325600014 // VAT: FR58912693256

* Mandatory cells to fill

Trust & Jets 108 Rue Elisa Peyron 01800 Meximieux FRANCE // Copyright © . All rights reserved